Weekly Photo Challenge: Threshold



The joy of weeds and garbage? Yes, for the green of weeds gives us hope that soon the earth will be in full bloom, that the long, cold, stormy winter has indeed passed. 



Garbage, once hidden by the purity of snow, now lays on ground that has thawed and is free of winter’s remnants. 




Sprouts of green breaking through the mud and winter debris give a sense of expectation, soon bright blossoms will color the landscape.




Even mud is a welcome sight as it reveals fresh ground soaked with melted snow, making the earth ready for all that spring and even summer hold.




Less than a week ago we awoke to several inches of heavy, wet snow dampening our spirits that long for the end of winter. But today the sun and warmth has melted away all but the banks of snow in corners of parking lots. They were the forbidden delight of my school day recesses in the parking lot-cum-playground but now represent the last vestiges of winter which I will gladly bid adieu.




A more satisfying sign of spring than mud and garbage, buds on the ends of tree branches awaiting spring’s signal that it is time to awake.




Somehow raking, collecting, and weeding don’t seem so terrible as they are chores that in a sense celebrate the something new that is happening all around us. We are leaving behind harsh winter and standing on the threshold of faithful spring.